Stenospermation arborescens Madison


Collection NumberCroat, T 99118
CollectorsThomas B. Croat & Geneviève Ferry
Identified ByT.B. Croat (MO)
SourceS. Christoph
Date23 September 2007
provinceZamora Chinchipe
LocationCondor Mirador. 1400 m elev.
Lat/LongS 03 38 0 W 78 25 0
NoteTerrestrial 2 m tall; internodes short 2 cm diam.; petioles terete, sulcate near apex; blades coriaceous, dark green, matte-subvelvety above, slightly paler and glossy below; midrib narrowly sunken, scarcely discolorous marginally; primary lateral veins obscure on both surfaces. The coordinates have been rounded to nearest minute and locality notes have been removed because the specimen is considered to be in a protected conservation status.