Acaena argentea Ruiz & Pav.


Collection NumberStevens, W. D 34110
CollectorsW.D. Stevens, C. Davidson, S. R. Christoph & O.M. Montiel
Identified ByW.D. Stevens (MO), C. Davidson, 2013
SourceS. Christoph
Date17 February 2013
regionBio Bio
provinceBio Bio
LocationComuna Tucapel, 17.1 km E of Polcura along road to El Abanico, 0.7 km W of Puente Polcura; low forest with Drimys dominant. 699 m elev.
Lat/LongS 37 19 56 W 071 32 32
NoteMat-forming, heads brown, dry.

Local Habitat

0km distance

LocationChile, Biobio, Biobio, Comuna Tucapel, 17.1 km E of Polcura along road to El Abanico, 0.7 km W of Puente Polcura; low forest with Drimys dominant., S 37 19 56 W 071 32 32
Date17 February 2013
EcologyLow forest with Drimys dominant.