Tococa guianensis Aubl.


Collection NumberStevens, W. D 27223
CollectorsW.D. Stevens, O.M. Montiel J., C. Davidson, S. Christoph
Identified ByW. D. Stevens (MO)
SourceC. Davidson
Date14 June 2008
departmentAtlantico Norte
LocationAlong Pozo Charlie Lau, Llano Brakira, N of Puerto Cabezas and E of road to Waspam; open savanna with woody vegetation along creek. 21 m elev.
Lat/LongN 14 05 39 W 083 22 12
NoteAlong creek, shrub 2 m tall, inflorescence branches tinted pink, calyx green, petals pink, stamens dull white, domatia dull red inside.

Local Habitat

8.7km distance

LocationNicaragua, Atlantico Norte--RAAN, E of Pto Cabezas on rd to Waspam, N 14 08 12.0 W 083 26 16.0
Date14 June 2008
EcologyPalm savannah.