Cyphostemma heterotrichum (Gilg & R.E. Fr.) Desc. ex Wild & R.B. Drumm.


Collection NumberGereau, R 6986
CollectorsR. E. Gereau, C. Davidson, S. R. Christoph, S.A. Bodine
Identified ByR. E. Gereau (MO), 2008
SourceC. Davidson
Date23 January 2008
LocationPungaluma Hills, NE of Mshewe Village, above Utengule Coffee Estate factory in miombo woodland on W-facing slope. 1500 m elev.
Lat/LongS 08 49 39 E 033 15 50
NoteErect or suberect herb ca. 90 cm high, rare. Petals dark red-purple; glands of disk light red-purple with black dot at apex.