Aponogeton bullosus H. Bruggen


Collection NumberGray, B 9429
CollectorsB. Gray, C. Davidson, S. Christoph
Identified ByB. Gray, Oct., 2011
SourceC. Davidson
Date22 September 2011
LocationCooper forest, off Walcott Road (which branches from Topaz Road). Johnson River drainage. 663 m elev.
Lat/LongS 17 24 45 E 145 41 39
NoteEmmersed aquatic, in shallow current of a cobbly stream.

Local Habitat

0.7km distance

LocationAustralia, Queensland., Cooper forest, off Walcott Road (which branches from Topaz Road). Johnson River drainage., S 17 24 58 E 145 41 59
Date22 September 2011
EcologyCasuarius casuarius, at the border of roadside grassland and rainforest.