Piper interruptum Opiz


Collection NumberGray, B 9617
CollectorsB. Gray, C. Davidson, S. Christoph
Identified ByB. Gray, Nov. 2013
SourceC. Davidson
Date10 November 2013
LocationAtherton Tableland. Crater Lakes National Park. Lake Barrine. Trail east from the parking area. 755 m elev.
Lat/LongS 17 14 47.1 E 145 38 37.6
NoteLiana. Spikes pendent, green.

Local Habitat

0km distance

LocationAustralia, Queensland, Atherton Tableland. Crater Lakes National Park. Lake Barrine. Trail east from the parking area., S 17 14 47.1 E 145 38 37.6
Date10 November 2013
EcologyUpland rainforest with Agathis microstachya on the inner slopes of a small crater.

4.9km distance

LocationAustralia, Queensland, Gillies Highway, 6 km east E of Lake Barrine., S 17 13 14 E 145 40 53
Date11 November 2013
EcologyMoist forest, impacted by selective (?) logging some years ago.