Coryanthes verrucolineata G. Gerlach


Collection NumberVasquez, Ro 34755
CollectorsRodolfo Vásquez, Christopher Davidson, Sharon R. Christoph, R. Rojas, Luis Valenzuela G., F. Díaz & A. Peña Cruz
Identified ByG. Gerlach, 2011
SourceC. Davidson
Date10 November 2008
LocationDist. Nauta. Caserio Miraflores. 132 m elev.
Lat/LongS 04 27 00 W 074 04 00
NoteEpífita; sépalos verdes labelo moteado rojo, base de la columna roja. The coordinates have been rounded to nearest minute and locality notes have been removed because the specimen is considered to be in a protected conservation status.

Local Habitat

1.5km distance

LocationPeru, Loreto, Loreto, Dist. Nauta. Caserio Miraflores en la boca del R¡o Tigre., S 04 27 23 W 074 04 42
Date10 November 2008
EcologyRemanente de bosque primario en terraza alta.