Pandanus fusinus Martelli


Collection NumberCallmander, M 1006
CollectorsS. Buerki, C. Davidson, S. Christoph, A. Ak Ginan & Y. Bin H. J. Wat.
Identified ByM. Callmander (MO) & S. Buerki (K), 2012
SourceC. Davidson
Date27 March 2012
LocationBau division. Bau limestone hills. Gunong Fairy. 37 m elev.
Lat/LongN 01 22 57 E 110 07 28
NoteLow shrub 0.5 m tall, with decumbent stems on edge of streams. Fruit pending, sub-globoïd, orange when ripped c. 10 x 12 cm; peduncle with 4-5 bracts, c. 30 cm long. Drupes c. 4.5 cm in length, distal 1.5 cm free. Styles curved, stigmas rounded. Pistillate plants. Growing on a ditch bank.

Local Habitat

0km distance

LocationMalaysia, Sarawak, Bau division. Bau limestone hills. Gunong Fairy., N 01 22 57 E 110 07 28
Date27 March 2012
EcologyMoist forest on limestone. Monophyllaea is from inside the cave.

1.6km distance

LocationMalaysia, Sarawak, Bau limestone hills. Gunong Tai Tong. Lake margin above limestone hills., N 01 23 33 E 110 08 07
Date27 March 2012
EcologyMoist forest over limestone.

1.6km distance

LocationMalaysia, Sarawak, Bau limestone hills. Gunong Tai Tong., N 01 23 33 E 110 08 07
Date27 March 2012
EcologyLake margin above limestone hills.