Persea raimondii


Collection NumberNeill, D 15874
CollectorsDavid Neill, C. Davidson, S. Christoph
Identified ByD.A. Neill (ECUAMZ), 2020; vel sp. aff.
SourceC. Davidson
Date21 September 2007
provinceZamora Chinchipe
cantonEl Pangui
LocationCordillera del Cóndor region. Upper Río Wawaime watershed. 1320 m elev.
Lat/LongS 03 34 0 W 078 26 0
NoteTree 8 m tall. Inflorescence rachis with sheen from light brown pubescence. Flowers pale yellow-greenish. Foliage faintly aromatic. The coordinates have been rounded to nearest minute and locality notes have been removed because the specimen is considered to be in a protected conservation status.