Cybianthus timanae Pipoly


Collection NumberNeill, D 15847
CollectorsDavid Neill, C. Davidson, S. Christoph & W. Quizhpe
Identified ByJohn J. Pipoly, III (MO), 2015
SourceC. Davidson
Date18 September 2007
provinceZamora Chinchipe
LocationCordillera del Cóndor region. West side of upper Río Nangaritza, along road about 13 km south of Guayzimi. Silica mine "La Daniela". Dense wet primary forest on sloping Hollín sandstone plateau, being mined for silica sand for glass manufacture. 970 m elev.
Lat/LongS 04 08 35.5 W 78 38 44.8
NoteTwigs and young foliage with dense brown pubescence, probably lepidote. Leaf blade with dark punctate dots. Leaves rather thick and fleshy, with revolute margins.