Ardisia buesgenii (Gilg & Schellenb.) Taton


Collection NumberLeal, M 1105
CollectorsMiguel E. Leal, D. N'guema, E. Mounoumoulossi, P. Bissiemou, C. Davidson, S. Christoph
Identified ByD. N'guema
SourceC. Davidson
Date14 April 2006
LocationMonts de Cristal, Tchimbelé.
Lat/LongN 00 37 14 E 010 24 35

Local Habitat

0km distance

LocationGabon, Prov. Estuaire, Monts de Cristal. Tchimbele., N 00 37 14 E 010 24 35
Date14 April 2006
EcologyInterior of gallery forest that is surrounded by savanna.