Chlorospatha dodsonii (G.S. Bunting) Madison


Collection NumberCroat, T 94433
CollectorsThomas B. Croat, Christopher Davidson & Sharon Christoph
Identified ByT. B. Croat
SourceC. Davidson
Date11 February 2005
LocationReserva Guaycuyacu near border with Imbabura Province, along Río Guaycuyacu on road from Cielo-Verde to Santa Rosa, near junction of Río Guaycuyacu and Río Guayabamba. 500 m elev.
Lat/LongN 00 13 00 W 78 55 00
NoteLess than 1 m tall; stem to 30 cm long; petioles terete, medium green, weakly glossy, sharply flattened toward apex with obtuse medial rib; blades thinly coriaceous, dark green and matte, moderately paler and matte below; major veins sunken deeply and concolorous above; midrib narrowly rounded, matte and slightly paler below; primary lateral veins round-raised and concolorous below; tertiary veins weakly raised; inflorescence erect, then nodding; peduncle pale green; spathe pale green, in bud; female spadix creamy white; male spadix bright orange.

Local Habitat

0km distance

LocationEcuador, Prov. Pichincha, Reserva Guaycuyacu near border with Imbabura Province, along R¡o Guaycuyacu on road from Cielo-Verde to Santa Rosa, near junction of R¡o Guaycuyacu and R¡o Guayabamba., N 00 13 00 W 78 55 00
Date10 February 2005
EcologyMid-elevation moist forest, ca. 500 m.
CommentA small but very rich fragment of the original forest.