Thesium sp.


Collection NumberNot collected.
Identified ByChristopher Dalzell, Oct., 2003
SourceC. Davidson
Date04 October 2003
CountrySouth Africa
LocationuKhahlamba Drackensberg Park, Central Drackensberg. Giant's Castle. Injisuthi Valley, Injisuthi River. Upslope and west of the lodge.
Lat/LongS 29 06 39 E 029 26 12

Local Habitat

0km distance

LocationSouth Africa, KwaZulu Natal, uKhahlamba Drackensberg Park, Central Drackensberg. Giant's Castle. Injisuthi Valley, Injisuthi River. Grassland and sparse scrub upslope from the lodge., S 29 06 39 E 029 26 12
Date04 October 2003
EcologyEarly spring after a fire the previous season.