Garcinia ovalifolia Oliv.


Collection NumberLeal, M 1193
CollectorsMiguel E. Leal, D. N'guema, E. Mounoumoulossi, P. Bissiemou, C. Davidson, S. Christoph
Identified ByGarden ID tag.
SourceC. Davidson
Date21 April 2006
GardenArnold Arboretum
LocationLope National Park. In Ogooue gallery forest. Margin of Ogooue River.
Lat/LongS 00 06 15 E 011 35 05

Local Habitat

0km distance

LocationGabon, Prov. Moyen-Ogooue, Lope National Park. Lope Hotel, Ogooue River, S 00 06 15 E 011 35 05
Date21 April 2006
EcologyOpen woodland to dense forest along the margin of Ogooue River.

0km distance

LocationGabon, Prov. Moyen-Ogooue, Lope National Park. Lope Hotel, Ogooue Riv., view N., S 00 06 15 E 011 35 05
Date19 April 2006