Erythroxylum guatemalense Lundell


Collection NumberStevens, W. D 27243
CollectorsW.D. Stevens, O.M. Montiel J., C. Davidson, S. Christoph
Identified ByA. Pool (MO), 2008
SourceC. Davidson
Date14 June 2008
departmentAtlantico Norte
LocationYulu Tingni, SW of road from Puerto Cabezas to Waspam; pine savanna. 61 m elev.
Lat/LongN 14 07 37 W 083 26 30
NoteTree 3-4 m tall, flowers white, fruits green.

Local Habitat

1.2km distance

LocationNicaragua, Atlantico Norte--RAAN, E of Pto Cabezas on rd to Waspam, N 14 08 12.0 W 083 26 16.0
Date14 June 2008
EcologyPalm savannah.