Stylidium graminifolium Sw. ex Willd.


Collection NumberGray, B 9422
CollectorsB. Gray, C. Davidson, S. Christoph
Identified ByB. Gray, Oct., 2011
SourceC. Davidson
Date22 September 2011
LocationHerberton Range. Ca. 2 km on Powerline access road, off Herberton-Atherton Highway, southwest of Atherton. 1022 m elev.
Lat/LongS 17 22 51 E 145 21 07
NoteAcid volcanic substrate.

Local Habitat

9.0km distance

LocationAustralia, Queensland, Herberton Range. "Bakerville", ca. 3 km west of Watsonville, southwest of Atherton, on Atherton-Herberton Highway., S 17 22 56 E 145 16 00
Date22 September 2011
EcologyEucalyptus woodland.