Machilus thunbergii Siebold & Zucc.


Collection NumberLi Pan 1205273
CollectorsLi Pan, C. Davidson, S. R. Christoph
Identified ByLi Pan
SourceC. Davidson
Date28 May 2012
LocationZhiyuan, Shunxi Village, QingLiangFeng Town, NingAn City. 416 m elev.
Lat/LongN 30 02 34 E 118 56 14
NoteTree 6 m.

Local Habitat

0.2km distance

LocationChina, Zhejiang Prov., Zhiyuan, ShunXi Village, QingLiangFeng Town, NingAn City., N 30 02 40 E 118 56 15
Date28 May 2012
EcologyDisturbed riparian scrub and low deciduous forest
CommentDiverse flora full of interesting taxa despite proximity (0.25 km) to a small village, and grazing.