Anthurium giganteum Engl.


Collection NumberCroat, T 93165
CollectorsThomas B. Croat, G. Fery, Christopher Davidson
Identified ByThomas B. Croat (MO), 2013
SourceC. Davidson
Date10 August 2004
LocationAlong road from El Chical to Tulcán, 16.4 km E of Chical, 4.3 km E of Madonado. 1200 m elev.
Lat/LongN 00 59 01 W 078 11 37
NoteTerrestrial; internodes short, to 4.5 cm diam.; cataphyll fibers persisting in a close reticulum, in part with epidermis intact, dark brown; petioles terete, blade margins undulate, upper blade glossy, slightly concave anterior lobe quilted between veins,8-9 basal veins, 1 free to base basal vein, posterior lobe orientation inward, sinus spathulate to closed,