Asteropeia micraster Hallier f.


Collection Numbernot collected
Identified By
SourceS. Christoph
Date01 January 1900
LocationCol des Tapias. Between Antsirabe and Ambositra on National Route ú7, near P.K. marker ú213. Tapia forest on slope.
Lat/LongS 20 14 06 E 047 05 34

Local Habitat

7.1km distance

LocationMadagascar, Antananarivo, Vakinankaratra, Valley N. of the Col des Tapias S. of Antsirabe. Along fast-flowing stream., S 20 10 16 E 047 05 31
Date10 January 2009
Ecology"White water" parts of fast moving, steep stream. Attached directly to the rock surface.
CommentHydrostachys imbricata in a typical habitat.