Centropogon rubrodentatus Jeppesen


Collection NumberCroat, T 94743
CollectorsThomas B. Croat, Christopher Davidson, Sharon Christoph
Identified ByL.L. Klein & T.G. Lammers (OSH),2009
SourceC. Davidson
Date16 February 2005
LocationAlong road between Tulcán and Maldonado, 45 km W of Tufiño, 24 km E of Maldonado. 3000 m elev.
Lat/LongN 00 49 0 W 078 02 0
Note3/4 m tall; flowers magenta; margin of blade undulate with acute tips; fruits medium green, warty. The coordinates have been rounded to nearest minute and locality notes have been removed because the specimen is considered to be in a protected conservation status.