Gnidia viridis P.J. Bergius


Collection NumberRogers, Z 1248
CollectorsZ. Rogers, C. Davidson, S. Christoph, C. Dalzell
Identified ByZ. Rogers (MO), 10 July 2012.
SourceC. Davidson
Date19 January 2009
CountrySouth Africa
provinceWestern Cape
LocationHighlands Rd. from Grabouw to Kleinmond
Lat/LongS 34 17 23.6 E 19 06 48.5

Local Habitat

0km distance

LocationSouth Africa, Western Cape, Between Grabouw and Kleinmond on Highlands Road, ca. 3 km WNW of R33 and R34 road junction, just S of Mount Horeb., S 34 17 23.6 E 19 06 48.5
Date19 January 2009
EcologyDegraded fynbos.