Loricaria thuyoides (Lam.) Sch. Bip.


Collection NumberCroat, T 94667
CollectorsThomas B. Croat, Christopher Davidson & Sharon Christoph
Identified By
SourceC. Davidson
Date16 February 2005
LocationAlong road between Tulcán and Maldonado 3.7 km W of Tufiño. 3458 m elev.
Lat/LongN 00 47 44 W 77 52 32
Note40-60 cm tall, with no obvious trunk; flowers white in bud with purple; anthers purplish.

Local Habitat

0km distance

LocationEcuador, Prov. Carchi, Paramo del Angel. Along road between Tulc n and Maldonado 3.7 km W of Tufio., N 00 47 44 W 77 52 32
Date19 February 2005