Pometia pinnata J.R. Forst. & G. Forst.


Collection NumberBuerki, S 351
CollectorsPostar Miun, Jeisin Jumian, C. Davidson, S. Christoph, M. Callmander, S. Buerki
Identified ByS Buerki (BM), 2014; identification is qualified with "aff."
SourceC. Davidson
Date05 October 2014
LocationDanum Valley Conservation Area. Along the road between Danum Research Center and the Borneo Rain Forest lodge. Lowland Dipterocarp forest. 316 m elev.
NoteTree 15-20m; white spots on the bark; L. 4-5 jugate, pseudostipules; infr. pendulous, ca. 43 cm long; fr. red when mature, aril white, fleshy.