Hypserpa laurina (F. Muell.) Diels


Collection NumberGray, B 9451
CollectorsB. Gray, C. Davidson, S. Christoph
Identified ByB. Gray, Oct., 2011
SourceC. Davidson
Date26 September 2011
LocationMulgrave River Rd. ca. 1.5 km SE of Goldsborough Valley Road junction. 175 m elev.
Lat/LongS 17 12 52 E 145 45 18

Local Habitat

7.8km distance

LocationAustralia, Queensland, Gillies Highway, 6 km east E of Lake Barrine., S 17 13 14 E 145 40 53
Date11 November 2013
EcologyMoist forest, impacted by selective (?) logging some years ago.