Ilex sp.


Collection NumberStevens, W. D 27281
CollectorsW.D. Stevens, I. Coronado G., O.M. Montiel J., C. Davidson, S. Christoph, M. Salazar
Identified By
SourceC. Davidson
Date17 June 2008
LocationHotel Selva Negra, upper edge of grounds near Capilla; cloud forest. 1260 m elev.
Lat/LongN 12 59 56 W 085 54 41
NoteTree 20 m tall, fruits green, "Areno blanco"

Local Habitat

3.4km distance

LocationNicaragua, Jinotega, Road to La Fundadora ca. 2 km from Matagalpa-Jinotega Highway. Area protejida, N 13 01 37.5 W 85 55 24.1
Date16 June 2008