Tetrorchidium gabonense Breteler


Collection NumberLeal, M 1116
CollectorsMiguel E. Leal, D. N'guema, E. Mounoumoulossi, P. Bissiemou, C. Davidson, S. Christoph
Identified ByG. McPherson, (MO) 2008
SourceC. Davidson
Date14 April 2006
LocationMonts de Cristal, Tchimbel‚. Plateau forest.
Lat/LongN 00 37 14 E 010 24 35

Local Habitat

0km distance

LocationGabon, Prov. Estuaire, Monts de Cristal. Tchimbele., N 00 37 14 E 010 24 35
Date14 April 2006
EcologyInterior of gallery forest that is surrounded by savanna.