Pavonia paludicola Nicolson ex Fryxell


Collection NumberStevens, W. D 27211
CollectorsW.D. Stevens, O.M. Montiel J., C. Davidson, S. Christoph
Identified ByW.D. Stevens, 2009
SourceC. Davidson
Date13 June 2008
departmentAtlantico Sur
LocationCorn Island, W shore, Hotel Paraiso; yard weeds, sandy beach and brachish swamps
Lat/LongN 12 10 06 W 083 03 57
NoteForming sense stands in brackish swamp, shrubs 2-3 m tall, leaves leathery, calyx and epicalyx green, corolla pale yellow-green, stamens pale yellow, style and stigma pale green, young fruits green

Local Habitat

3.5km distance

LocationNicaragua, Atlantico Sur--RAAS, Corn Island, low beach dunes near Hotel El Paraiso, N 12 10 51.5 W 83 02 09.6
Date13 June 2008
EcologyLow beach dunes.