Blepharodon angustifolium Malme


Collection NumberStevens, W. D 31333
CollectorsW.D. Stevens, O.M. Montiel J., C. Davidson & S. Christoph
Identified ByW. D. Stevens, (MO) 2011
SourceC. Davidson
Date23 March 2011
LocationCerro Tobatí, trail from Capilla Virgen de Fátima; weathered sandstone domes with shrubby vegetation in cracks and crevices. 211 m elev.
Lat/LongS 25 17 40 W 057 05 48
NoteOn bare rocky tops, twining vine with milky sap, woody below; corolla lobes patent, green with dull purple margins, gynostegium greenish white.

Local Habitat

0km distance

LocationParaguay, Edo. Cordillera, Cerro Tobat¡, trail from Capilla Virgen de F tima., S 25 17 40 W 057 05 48
Date23 March 2011
EcologyWeathered sandstone domes with shrubby vegetation in cracks and crevices.