Spathiphyllum barbourii Croat


Collection NumberCroat, T 98713
CollectorsThomas B. Croat, Geneviève Ferry
Identified ByX. Delannay, 2019
SourceC. Davidson
Date16 September 2007
provinceZamora Chinchipe
LocationVicinity of Las Orchideas; near Cabañas Yankuam; along Río Nangaritza, Los Tepuis Conservation Area. 1120 m elev.
Lat/LongS 04 15 08 W 078 39 53
NoteIn seepy area below cliff; stem short; internodes short, less than 1 cm diam.; petioles medium green, semiglossy, sheathed throughout; sheath deciduous, turning brown; blades thinly coriaceous, dark green and weakly glossy above, paler and weakly glossy below; major veins weakly sunken and concolorous above; midrib narrowly rounded and paler below; primary lateral veins weakly pleated-raised and concolorous below; minor veins weakly visible; inflorescence held below leaves; spathe white, erect-spreading; spadix dark green with white prominently exserted pistils.