Pandanus odorifer (Forssk.) Kuntze


Collection NumberCallmander, M 1017
CollectorsS. Buerki, C. Davidson, S. Christoph, A. Ak Ginan & Y. Bin H. J. Wat.
Identified ByM. Callmander (MO), 2012
SourceC. Davidson
Date31 March 2012
LocationKuching. Bako National Park. On beach in front of Park headquarters.
Lat/LongN 01 42 57.8 E 110 26 35.5
NoteTree to 4-6 m tall, proproots cone to 0.5 m. Leaves with white prickles on margins. Infrutescence pending, red when ripped, sub-spherical, c. 14 cm in diam.; peduncle c. 30 cm long, 2 cm wide at apex. Drupe incompletely fused.

Local Habitat

0km distance

LocationMalaysia, Sarawak, Kuching. Bako National Park. Along the beach in front of Park headquarters., N 01 42 57.8 E 110 26 35.5
Date29 March 2012
EcologyCoastal moist forest.