Gevuina avellana Molina


Collection NumberStevens, W. D 34082
CollectorsW.D. Stevens, C. Davidson, S. R. Christoph & O.M. Montiel
Identified ByFernando Campos Soto, Los Queules, 2013
SourceC. Davidson
Date15 February 2013
LocationComuna Pelluhue, Reserva Nacional Los Queules, more or less level terrain between road and Quebrada Ramadillas; tall forest. 391 m elev.
Lat/LongS 35 58 48 W 072 41 20
NoteShrub to small tree, common, flowers white, fragrant, fruits green to red or purple, seed white inside.

Local Habitat

0km distance

LocationChile, Maule, Cauqenes, Comuna Pelluhue, Reserva Nacional Los Queules, in deep valley of Quebrada Ramadillas, S 35 58 48 W 072 41 20
Date15 February 2013
Ecology tall forest with Nothofagus dominant.

0km distance

LocationChile, Maule, Cauqenes, Comuna Pelluhue, Reserva Nacional Los Queules, in deep valley of Quebrada Ramadillas, S 35 58 48 W 072 41 20
Date15 February 2013
Ecologytall forest with Nothofagus dominant.