Astragalus polyclados


Collection NumberD. Boufford 44027
CollectorsDavid E. Boufford, Sharon Christoph, Chris Davidson, Xin-Hui LI & Tao YANG
Identified ByD. Boufford (GH)
SourceC. Davidson
Date15 August 2017
prefecture-levelLitang Xian.
LocationCa. 40 km west of Litang on road (Highway G318) from Litang to Batang. Mountains with coarse sand slopes on north side of highway, heavily grazed meadows, thickets of dwarf Rhododendron (mostly <1 m tall, but some plants to 1.5 m), Caragana, Salix and Lonicera thickets and coarse, granitic sand scree slopes. 4100-4400 m.
Lat/LongN 30 10 52 E 99 58 41
NoteProstrate, extending down the sandy, gravelly slope. Fruit green, turning purple or partially purple.