Primula hirsuta All.


Collection NumberDavidson, C 13250
CollectorsM. Callmander, C. Davidson, B. Baumler, S. Buerki, S. R. Christoph
Identified ByBeat Baumler, (G), July, 2016
SourceC. Davidson
Date01 July 2016
Canton VaudCanton Valais
LocationFurkastrasse (Hwy 19), north of Obergoms village, and c. 0.8 km southof Gletsch. 1818m elev.
Lat/LongN 46 33 22.2 E 8 21 20.0
NoteSteep. rocky roadside bank and weep zone. Shrub zone with Alnus, Lonicera, Larix. Epilithic on roadside rocks in a mossy carpet.