Crataegus mexicana DC.


Collection NumberGomez-Dominguez, H 3764
CollectorsH. Gomez-Dominguez, C. Davidson, S. R. Christoph
Identified ByH. Gomez-Dominguez (HEM), 2017
SourceC. Davidson
Date16 March 2017
LocationPor la ruta entre San Cristobal y Tenejapa, c. 1.3 km noreste de Las Ollas; y 9 km suroeste de Tenejapa. 2376 m elev.
Lat/LongN 16 47 19.6 W 92 32 36.8
NoteWeedy roadbank in a "suburban" area. Appearing to be scandent but mashed down by other vegetation.

Local Habitat

8.4km distance

LocationMexico, Chiapas, Parque Ecoturistico El Arcotete., N 16 43 30.5 W 092 35 08.1
Date20 September 2010