Paradrymonia sp.


Collection NumberNeill, D 15763
CollectorsDavid A. Neill, Christopher Davidson, Sharon R. Christoph & Wilson Quizhpe
Identified By
SourceC. Davidson
Date16 September 2007
provinceZamora-Chinchipe Prov.
cantonNangaritza Canton
LocationCordillera del Cóndor, "Area de Conservación Los Tepuyes". Slope above the west bank of the upper Río Nangaritza near the Cabañas Yankuam lodge. Below the sandstone plateau, but with rather sandy soil mostly eroded from the plateau above, in and near the one hectare "Nangaritza River Slope" one-hectare forest inventory plot. 920 m elev.
Lat/LongS 4 15 01 W 78 39 36
NoteTerrestrial herb with taproot. Corolla tube pale brown, the lobes pale yellow with purple-brown spots.