Geocaulon lividum (Richardson) Fernald


Collection NumberZika, P 29446
CollectorsPeter Zika
Identified ByP. Zika (WTU), 2018
SourcePeter Zika
Date16 October 2018
countyPend Oreille
LocationNear east shore of Big Meadow Lake. Elev. 1050 m.
Lat/LongN 48 43 39.7 W 117 33 01.4
NoteIn shaded forest understory, gentle west slope; with Larix occidentalis, Abies grandis, Rosa gymnocarpa, Vaccinium scoparium, Linnaea, Achillea, Lycopodium annotinum, Chinmaphila umbellata. Fruit orange, globose, 8-10 millimeter diameter, 1-seeded.